Hot Chocolate on a Cold Day
As the tree leaves start to brown and the cold, bone shuddering wind starts to blow once again. We yearn for the warmth, that we once took for granted, that is now gone. You may have just arrived home, from a long day at work and you’ve just walked through the bitter wind and the relentless rain. You may, have just completed a day’s hiking in the snowy mountains. Or you maybe, reading a book a cold Sunday afternoon with the wind blowing and the rain beating against your wind as you glance outside briefly while reading a good book. There’s nothing quite like a Hot Chocolate on a cold winter. Some may drink Cocoa, other’s may drink Lindt hot chocolate but I think nothing beats a great hot Milo.
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And a long black on the short day
Agree Tom, Milo rocks!
mmm. looks very warming.