Food for Thought – art and the environment
One of my favourite things is art and how it can convey messages that make us think about how we connect with the world.
The art of Ken and Julia Yonetani highlights how human beings are impacting on our environment. Using salt from areas such as the Murray- darling basin, they create sculptures that make audiences think about issues such as salinity, farming and food consumption.
Their latest work ‘The Last Supper’, current on display at Hazelhurst Regional Gallery until May 18, is a 9 metre sculpture made of salt. The work with it’s detailed fish, mushrooms and other food items explores the impact toxins have on the safety of our food. The use of salt as a medium represents the death of the food chain and the impact that has on our food safety.
Ken and Julia Yonetani are well known Australian artists and earlier this year created large, salt chandeliers which were featured in the Singapore Biennale. You can find out more about their work on their website or at Artereal Gallery
See Ken and Julia discuss their work at the beginning of this post
cool. I think today was a good one to be out and about.