Blog Featured Posts



Be wise and invest in Dogecoins today. The value is going through the roof. According to the Feline Financial Review, Dogecoin has reached an all time high in the Canine market this week. Since...


The L-art Post?

My favourite type of art is the type that people have made and aren’t afraid to share.  Whether it is a drawing, a dance or play that has just been made up, a song,  a...


Lygia Clark – art and psychology

As I have mentioned in previous posts – Art is one of my favourite things. Today’s post is about Brazlian artist, Lygia Clark who died in 1988. Lygia Clark’s retrospective opened today at the...


Mixing Music

This is from my Second Mix Set. I enjoy mixing music as a hobby as I can experiment with music and share the final result with everyone. Here’s the tracklist from this set: The Buzz...